As a practicing  (Quantum) Adv EFT therapist, I couldn't be more pleased as
to your resolution and outcome of conditions. And to Bernadette - 
If you are interested, I can send you a short but very complete description
as to 'How To Do the EFT Protocol'. (12 pages) 
You can e-mail me at for a free copy. 
-------Original Message------- 
From: brooks76009 
Date: 07/12/06 12:22:19 
Subject: CS>[RE]CS>Sinus Surgery:COMMENT 
Deart Bernadette, 
I am dismayed to hear you required surgery for the sinus condition. EIS has
demonstrated to be of 
excellent value among all our volunteers who encountered post-surgical
conditions, such as you report. The most effective protocol turned out to be
one involving the use of 10 ppm CS (95% by volume) and DMSO (5% by vol......
Quite serendipitously, I allowd one of our younger staff members to "goad"
me into addressing this problem through an unusual (for me) type of address.
To wit, a very simple system originally designed to treat chronic,
non-responding, psychiatric presentations. The system is one well-known to
list members as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The system I used was the
one designed by Gary Craig.....not the more elaborate procedure designed by
Dr. Callahan. Within 6 days of beginning the very simple regimen I achieved
results one can only describe as spectacular. My sinuses are dry---day and
night---for the first time in 50 years! Since I am not a believer in 
NO-CAUSE" spontaneous remission....I am left with no alternative but the
beneficial effects of the EFT protocol. Additionally, being a chronic
sufferer of insomina....I tried it on that also.....with equally satisfying
results. The demonstrated effectiveness of such a seemingly "scientifically
procedure....has left me rather stupified----but convinced enough that we
are now inaugurating a formal evaluation of the system. 
Be well, my best personal regards, Brooks. 

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