Pat, vitamin C is good, but respiratory issues are nearly always 
associated with low glutathione, the body's master antioxidant 
and detoxifier that also functions to recycle spent vitamin C and 
other antioxidants. What this means to you is that you can 
continue to use the relatively low vitamin C doses you are now 
with increased benefit, as all of the vitamin C you do take can 
be used many times. 

The research has been there for many years. The lungs are the 
third biggest users of low glutathione, and even people with COPD 
respond remarkably well. Been there, done that, several times.

I mention this because even when all the other antioxidants are 
adequate, glutathione depletion results in illness, increased 
infection, cancer, and degeneration or even death, and is 
depletion is incredibly common. Glutathione is made from dietary 
precursors that are very plentiful in cold-processed whey and in 
trace amounts in most raw food.

Sometimes inadequate nitric acid production is an issue but it's 
nearly always low glutathione. Cold-procesed whey supplies nitric 
acid prcursors as wel as glutathione precursors. My reference 
section provides some very interesting studies and a long list of 
links into the references on PubMed.

Duncan Crow

> When I'm having a bad respiratory allergy
> attack, one (ascorbate) dose usually helps tremendously.  My
> daughter had recommended it, she found it helpful for
> allergies also.
>                                    Pat

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