alchemySA <> wrote:

  > Hello all.

  > When anyone  does  a  Google seach for  colloidal  silver  here in
  > Australia one  of  the  first sites they see  is  the  US National
  > Centre for Complementary And Alternative Medicine. I'm sure you've
  > all seen it too and would agree that it's a pretty effective party
  > pooper for  anyone  thinking about using colloidal  silver.  So to
  > amuse myself on a wet windy day I've written a little rejoinder. I
  > hope this appears in a reasonably readable format. For some reason
  > my subject titles don't usually appear so here it is just in case.
  > "The National Uncomplementary Centre for Alternative Medicine"


  Hi David,

  Thanks for posting that paper. Your tone seems to have changed a bit
  - it's  not quite so fluid and easy. Maybe there's some  vestiges of
  the website  ripoff  still  hanging around.  I  get  the  feeling it
  wouldn't be as persuasive to a newcomer to cs.

  Didn't you  write another paper on Argyria? I'm pretty  sure  it was
  yours. It was extremely well-written, and not many people  can write
  like that. If you can find it, could you post it?


  Mike Monett

  Antiviral Antibacterial Silver Solution:
  SPICE Analysis of Crystal Oscillators:
  Noise-Rejecting Wideband Sampler:

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