"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:


  > Marshall answered:

  >> Not true,  I have one that is published recently that  breaks the
  >> second law of thermodynaics and produces power  continuously, and
  >> has for over a year now.

  > Let's take  this to the OT list, Mike, Marshall. I'd like  to know
  > about this'n.

  > Mike D.

  >[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
  >[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
  >[Speaking only for myself...               ]


  For some  reason, I never received your post shown above.  Could you
  email it to me separately to avoid clogging the list?



  Mike Monett

  Antiviral, Antibacterial Silver Solution:
  SPICE Analysis of Crystal Oscillators:
  Noise-Rejecting Wideband Sampler:

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