"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:


  > Ummm, my oversight. Marshall's post came to me only because it was
  > over the message size limit. I sent to the main list a small quote
  > and the  request  to  relocate to the  OT  list,  where  I assumed
  > Marshall would fill in the missing information when the discussion
  > picked up.

  Mike, this  was Marshall's oversight, not yours. He took my  post in
  ascii and  reposted it in html, against your recommendation  on your
  home page. Then he failed to check if it actually was posted.

  >> Per Mike D.'s request, I will follow up on the off-topic list. In
  >> several days, after I stop laughing.

  > I'm not  sure why Marshall would want to respond, since  the above
  > reads a lot like ridicule.

  The laughing is from Marshall's comment in his post:

    "Not true,  the  second  law of  thermodynamics  has  already been
    proven false,"

  You don't  go  around  claiming to have  broken  the  Second  Law in
  Thermodynamics. That is hilarious.

  Tracking it down was easy. Marshall published an article in Infinite
  Energy Magazine, Mar/Apr 2006, that claims to break the Second Law:

    "Yes it can, and can be done easily. The experimental device to do
    this can  be  built easily for under $20 and uses  a  variation of
    Maxwell's Pressure Demon to extract electric energy  directly from
    the random motion of molecules of room temperature air. The output
    of such  a device was computed, and when the device was  built and
    tested it was found that the output fell within +/- 2 1/2%  of the
    theoretical output over the range of 20 to 55C  despite increasing
    by over  a  factor of 5 over that range.  There  is  absolutely no
    power input  to  the device other than the  random  motion  of air

  The paper is at


  Marshall almost  certainly reported it to this group, but I  was not
  subscribed at  that time, so I had to dig up the  information  on my

  This paper is the typical junk science technobabble that is  used by
  free energy  groups  to claim the existence of  energy  sources that
  cannot possibly  be true. It is used to scam  investors  and deplete
  their savings,  and there is little or no recourse.  They  have been
  doing it for decades.

  Marshalls' paper  contains  so   many   blunders  and  errors  it is
  ludicrous. It  can be trivially disproved in ten minutes with  a few
  pennies worth  of  material. I did, and the  effect  Marshall claims
  does not exist.

  For example,  aluminum  has  been used since  the  1920's  to shield
  highly sensitive  electronics from stray charge and RFI/EMI.  If the
  effect Marshall  claims  exists,  it would  have  been  noticed many
  decades ago. There is no such information in the literature.

  It would  also  be impossible to use aluminum  as  shielding  in any
  low-level    instrument,   such   as   the   Keithley   Model  2182A
  Nanovoltmeter, which  measures down to 1 nV with an  input impedance
  greater than 10 Gigohms. Here are the specifications:


  There are  other  similar  instruments, such  as  the  HP  3458, and
  instruments from  Fluke Electronics and many  other  companies. They
  all use  aluminum to shield the sensitive input stages. I  buy these
  instruments in  used condition and repair them, so I  know  how they
  are built.

  The effect  Marshall claims does not exist. His experiment  does not
  work. His conclusions are wrong. His data is highly suspect.

  Marshall makes  deliberate  mistakes that his  years  in  this group
  should have  prevented. There are other mistakes that a  few seconds
  in google  easily  prove his statements  are  wrong.  Marshall never
  checked his  work.  His  statements are false.  And  he  should know

  > If you  can't  take   seriously   the  possibility  that  there 's
  > something for  you  to learn in any discussion  of  this  sort 

  Mike, I  have  been in instrumentation  electronics  since  1960. My
  first patent  was  filed  at MIT in Oct. 2, 1969,  and  I  have been
  granted 5 additional patents. My patent list is at


  Some of my recent inventions are shown at the bottom of this page.

  So I  am qualified to talk about the things I discuss, and I  do not
  waste everyone's time on issues where I lack knowledge.

  But I don't think there is anything to learn by  communicating about
  false claims  with someone who has no knowledge, and fails  to check
  his work for mistakes.

  > and treat the other participants cordially, then it may be best to
  > let it drop.

  Mike, I  came  here to see if there was anyone around  who  would be
  interested in  helping  solve problems I am  encountering  in making
  advanced cs.

  I am  extremely  concerned  about viruses such  as  H5N1,  and other
  antibiotic-resistant pathogens.  I believe silver ions are  the only
  hope we have against them, but the conventional methods do  not make
  cs as strong as we need.

  I have  been  able to make much stronger cs in  the  past,  and have
  reported the different processes and methods to this group. But they
  were terribly inefficient and wasted a lot of silver.

  I have  since  developed a new method that  has  very  little waste,
  produces a  32uS cs that is clear, has barely visible  Tyndall  in a
  dark room,  and has no taste whatsoever. The metallic taste  is what
  turns off  a lot of newbies to cs, and they won't take  it  again if
  they dislike it the first time. It is from the AgOH.

  The 32uS was confirmed with the Hanna PWT, the  Faraday calculation,
  and the salt test. So it is real. And contrary to everyone's claims,
  the higher  ion strength really makes a big difference. Why  that is
  true is another mystery. I have reported the experiment  and results
  to this group.

  But the  higher ion concentration also causes  severe  problems. The
  ion concentration drops significantly if you store it in HDPE:


  but it has only a moderate drop in PET:


  I was hoping to find others here who might be interested  in helping
  find reasons why the drop occurs, and what could be one about it.

  I know  it  is  possible  to solve  this  problem,  since  Frank has
  measured a 30uS product that looks very similar:

    Trace Minerals Research Liqumins Colloidal Silver

    Total Silver Concentration    : 31.8 ppm +/- 0.05 ppm
    Ionic Silver Concentration    : 31.6 ppm +/- 0.05 ppm
    Silver Particle Concentration : 0.2 ppm


  But there  seems to be no one in the group with  the qualifications,
  motivation, or the skills needed to pursue it.

  During my  brief  visit here, I watched very  carefully  to  see the
  reactions to  my  posts. The conversations with  Marshall  were only
  useful to  show  if  anyone  else in  the  group  had  any technical
  knowledge, and who might be interested in pursuing advanced  work in
  cs. But if they are there, they kept themself well hidden.

  So it looks like I will have to do it alone.

  There is a great deal of work to do, Mike. So rather that  waste any
  more time here on irrelevant issues, I'll simply unsubscribe  and go
  about my  business. I may check in again in a year or so  to  see if
  anything has changed, but I doubt it.

  Good luck.

  > Be well,

  > Mike D.

  >[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
  >[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
  >[Speaking only for myself...               ]


  Mike Monett

  Antiviral, Antibacterial Silver Solution:
  SPICE Analysis of Crystal Oscillators:
  Noise-Rejecting Wideband Sampler:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>