Sasha wrote:
> The first url will take you to an ebay full page of Needak Rebounders,
> and the second url will take you to an ebay dealer that sells Needak for
> $176, has 100% acceptance from 4200 sales. That's not bad. You can't
> beat the price, but you might have to order a holding bar. Many people
> simply place the rebounder by a tall-backed chair and hold on to the top
> of the chair while they lightly bounce. Works just as well like that
> without the bar. 


I stand corrected. The needaks are available at e-bay! I guess I'd 
pretty much decided I liked the reboundair and they are not to be found 
on e-bay.

In any case, go with quality.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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