Subject: CS>c/s and my dog

first time here,, just ordered a c/s generator.... how can i apply this product to my beloved lab/ shep  with sore hind quarters...  "Ping", is 13 years old, and having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance.. george..

George, in addition to anything else you may decide to try (DMO, DSMO, MSM -- all good ideas!) get your dog some Vitamin E gelcaps -- the same kind people take.  Preferably, natural and mixed tocopherols, but any kind will do if you can't find them.  Give him one a day in his food.  I stumbled over this remedy by accident, when my son (13 at the time) said I should try giving one to Lady, our beloved old gimpy Collie X, if I was going to take it myself for shoulder bursitis (or whatever ache I had at the time).   Why not? was my response.  This is no kidding -- within a week or two, at most, she was moving easily and comfortably again, able to get up and down stairs as she had years earlier!  When the E was gone, I ceased giving it to her, and soon she was sore and unable to get to her feet without pain once again.  (The vet had laughed and said her "cure" had been a coincidence.)  Back on E, she became a "young dog" once again.  Since she did not know about taking it, and being a dog, a placebo effect was ruled out.

I told the person who had put me onto E for myself (it never did help me!) and she began giving it to her stove up German Shepherd, who was only 6 years old, and likely to be put down because they could not carry around a dog weighing 115 pounds.  Another amazing cure!  After that, I told everyone with an old dog to try it and got favorable feedback every time.   When our almost human black shepherd dog Grizzly reached old age a few years ago, it worked for him for quite awhile, then he needed even more of "something."  He lived out his last year or two comfortably, by taking Vitamin E, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, and DHEA, and these easily acquired things added a year or two of quality life to his lifespan. 

I know how you love your dog, and I hope this helps.  If it does, get back to the silver list and tell them so, and multiply the effect.  Lots of folks on the list have dogs!


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