Zeb you are right....I feel  much better now....with the nitrofurantoin I could 
feel my lungs.. and bones....I was thinking going to Heaven and the doctor said 
:go on ,it is only a side effect.
Now I NEVER will have this drug again....I take the CS and pro-biotics....and 
it works!!!!!

At the moment I cannot eat oranges  and acid food...to much flatulence.

It takes a long time to feel better after the Nitrofurantoin....

I HAVE TO TELL THE WOMAN OF THE WORLD...don' t take Nitrofurantoin...it causes 
bladder disease.

I saw it in a book of C.Norman Shealy M.D. Ph.D
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies

1998 Element Books Limited

I have the Dutch translation 
ISBN 3-8290-1713-8

(page 379)

3 medicine are not good for bladder disease

What ,in the future , can I tell my familydoctor,he said you don' t like 
anti-biotica...but that its not  true....I become more ill....and nobody helps 
...only sending bills and wrong medicine...I am angry about that all.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: zeb caffe 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 9:59 PM
  Subject: CS>nitrofurantoin

  Nitrofurantoin is a  drug I would only want to use in case of emergencys or 
nothing else worked first. Doctors frequently give to women that have chronic 
urinary infections as prevention to be taken on a daily basis. Someone wrote 
that it can cause bladder disease and they are right. If a person has 
interstitial cystitis, it can damage the bladder lining.It works differently 
than other antibiotics they give because it kind of scrapes the lining and can 
irritate the bladder. The only advantage to it, is that it is primarily for 
bladder infections and if a person gets them alot, doctors dont want to use 
other antibiotics like penicillin because then if you need penicillin for a 
different type of infection, you can become allergic when you need it. The 
other danger with nitrofurantion, is that it can cause a type of permanant 
punemonia condition of the lungs esp used over a period of time in older 
adults. Doctors rarely mention this side effect. 
  I was wondering if the people that were having problems with DMannose were 
sensitive to acid or fruit because this is what the base is made of.
  Also regarding rib pain, This can be a symptom of babesia when one has lyme 
disease. However, it sounds as thou the people who wrote about this were having 
more internal issues like gallbladder etc.

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