Debbie, there is a cabbage product that will probably be as beneficial that you 
can buy and doesnt have the same smell. It is called rejuvalac. I havent used 
it but have heard good things from others. I have seen it in health food stores.
  I would imagine that coca cola helped the goats because cola syrup is used in 
humans for nausea and morning sickness but long term, it would not be benefical 
for a goats health I wouldnt think.
  I dont know if she gave them pro biotics from goats.  She told me this many 
years ago. I think I remember her telling me she took it and it was a source 
that she bought. Going back that far, I dont recall them selling probiotics 
that were cultured from anything other than dairy. Now, they used soy, carrot, 
and other mediums to culture probiotics for dairy sensitive individuals. So, I 
am inmagining that it was a dairy source. That was a good question.

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