Leo said,
>Can anyone tell me of their own experience with CS
and a tooth abcess? My dentist says either a canal or
an extraction are going down.<

The following is what I used to control an infected
tooth for 4 years. 

Buy a 6-volt lantern battery at a hardware store. Take
a 3-foot length of lamp wire, strip off two of the
ends and attach them to the battery (or put alligator
clips on the ends so you can attach and unattach
them). Strip off about 1-1/2" of the other two ends.
Wrap them in 3 or 4 layers of cotton/flannel cloth,
wrap some thread tightly around the cloth and tie the
thread tight to hold the cloth on. Dip the
cloth-covered ends into some lightly salted water (or
try just tap water to start). Lay the two
cloth-covered ends on either side of the infected
tooth. Leave on for 10 minutes, then switch sides
(alternate polarities). Switching sides also prevents
gum soreness.

If you can't feel anything, add more salt to the water
to increase conductivity. It should never hurt or
sting, but if you can feel a tingle, you know it's
doing something.

I did this for an hour at a time. Usually, the
infection was gone by the next day. Whenever it would
return, I would do it again.

Eventually I had it pulled rather than do the root
canal. The battery didn't resolve the infection, but
kept it under control.

There are safe alternative to a root canal, but they
are expensive and you must find a dentist aware of them.

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