It'd be a whole lot easier to start again and order a axial lead diode
with 2 wire keads, than to try to sweat a surface mount device onto a
special made circuit board.

Why Did Pilgrims' Pants Always Fall Down?  
      Because They Wore Their Belt Buckle On Their Hat.

On 10/13/2006 2:13:36 PM, Max Sanders ( wrote:
> Hey V, or other helpful brethren and sistern, I should have asked about
> the 3 leads too. Which 2 leads do I have to short together?  And as for
> surface mounting,; do I get a circuit board at Radio Shack or somesuch to
> help wire/mount? How do I know it'll fit, take it with me and try it on?
> I am pre ice-age. Mammoth soup anyone?
> Maz
> V <> wrote: Well the ones Max had had three metal legs ( 
> leads) they are made for
> surface mounting and you haver to short two of the leads together.

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