I believe the colloidal portion is expected to precipitate out when
leaving only ionic silver in the solution.


From: Rich Adams [mailto:r...@kc.rr.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 12:17 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>freezing yellow EIS.

The second to last post from Ole Bob (below) mentions yellow EIS turning
crystal clear after being frozen.   Anyone try this?
Well, I accidentally let a batch run way too long the other day and it
turned big time yellow.   Filled a liter jug, froze it, thawed it out
and it is now crystal clear, been a week and it is still crystal clear
meanwhile the original batch seems to be getting even more yellow
I don't know why, sure would like to understand it though.  
Rich Adams

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Robert Berger <mailto:bober...@swbell.net>  
        To: silver-list <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>  
        Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 10:20 AM
        Subject: CS>EIS & Agglomeration

        I made two gallons of EIS using the assymeterical electrodes
using 33 volts DC.
        Brew time was 5.5 hours, Conductance on the next dasy was 18.3
uS/cm and the Ag+ was 13.63 PPM.
        I filled 3- 1.5 Diet Rite cola bottles. After 24 hours three of
then had a slight yellow color, which was probably due to incomplete hot
water rinse. The other is crystal clear.
        I added one drop of 35% H2O2 to two of the bottles and the next
day they were sligtly gray. So I remove about ten ounces form each
bottle into a 16 oz Solo plastic cups.
        Both of the bottles and cups were frozen sold and then removed
from the freezer to thaw.
        The thawed product is crystal clear and the Ag+ is now 12.1 PPM
and the conductance is 12.9 uS/cm.
        So when you get off-color EIS (not CS) then do the same.
        "Ole Bob"