This post came in about 2 1/2 months before we heard news that Dameon 
had passed away.

I wanted to share these with you if for no other reason than to make 
you think and continue to seek out alternatives. We can't be sure what 
of Dameon's tactics were working and what weren't, and because of the 
regulatory climate we can't depend on mainstream science for help 
finding out. However, he clearly benefitted from his efforts and never 
gave up the search. Starting young and avoiding as much damage as 
possible, there's much more hope for your client's child.

Be well,

Mike D.

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Date forwarded:         Fri, 9 Oct 1998 10:28:32 -0700
Date sent:              Fri, 09 Oct 1998 13:44:36 +0000
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Subject:                CS>DAMEON UPDATE -- 10/9/98

Hello Silverados -

Well, it's been yet another near-death roller coaster ride! This time
was THE worst ever. It started as a cold which complicated my Cystic
Fibrosis. Then I waited too long to get into the hospital for the IV
drug treatment and it became a very close call. Now I'm back in the 
old hospital crap: Drugs and their terrible side-affects and whether
they're worth using against the bugs that are killing me. Along the way
they discovered a bad bug that's been eating up my lungs probably for
years. It's a TB-related complex "myco-bacterium" that's *very* hard to
kill. It'll be a long-term drug therapy that may take a whole 2 YEARS --

until after the year 2000!! 3 drugs are used at the same time that will
turn my urine and tears ORANGE. There was also another bug found in the
culture that they could not identify and ended up sending to the Center
for Disease Control (CDC). Suffice it to say, I'm not a happy camper at
this time. I also discovered a new and interesting tid-bit about Cystic
Fibrosis (CF): While the alternative therapies (especially Colloidal
Silver) have been excellent at killing some of the worst bugs known to
the CF world, they also ironically could create an opening for 
new and potentially even worse to move in! It seems that -- like
everything else ion the Universe -- these little critters are
territorial and don't want other bugs crowding their space. So, in a
sense, this would make Pseudomonas aeruginosa (one of the worse killers
in the CF world) my friend! VERY STRANGE. This just serves to 
all the more how complex the nature of our being is. I guess there
really are no simple answers here.

This has been the short report. I'm grateful to everyone for your
concern and prayers/best wishes during this HELLISH period for me... it
was really touching. I'm still stuck in the hospital for now. I'll
update this as more is learned, but for now, I'm off the CS (by my
doctor's request) til we get word from the CDC on what that mystery bug

One final note: I was very good friends with the man called Joost -- or
"Jovo" ( -- and was extremely shocked and
saddened to learn of his sudden death when I finally checked email from
here. All I could do was stare at the screen in tearful disbelief.
Sleeping was difficult that night. He was a great and trustworthy 
who was always willing to help and a true warrior; a real fighter. He
left behind two sons whom he loved dearly. He was also the last person 
communicated with before entering the hospital; he said he would pray
for me. 

He will be missed.

For those interested, he'd begun posting the story of his life

Take care all --


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------- End of forwarded message -------[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, 
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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