Dan Nave wrote: >>Your new distilled water has much less conductivity than the 
original Spa water<< and >>I would suggest that you let the brew continue until 
you have achieved a black tarnish appearance on the anode and some degree of 
grey beard on the cathode.>>Thanks Dan!That is indeed what happens to brother / 
sister anode / cathode.I clean off both, wiping them carefully before each new 
batch.The only difference in the production is that the time-factor is doubled. 
I do believe I have a good product again; see precisely now a stubborn, even 
head-strong cold caught me. NOT ME, not with CS! So I drank (the new brew) 
every 90 minutes (our home-rule when the viruses dare) and after a very short 
time the cold fled.Sincerely, Faith and Luz