Tel Tofflemire [] wrote:
Subject: RE: CS>Silver Puppy generator

Nice commercial, seems to be the only one we ever see?
We all know there are dozens of CS generators on the market, and Silver
Puppy is near the bottom for value and production. I sent one back !

Regarding commercials...

I recently asked Terry Chamberlin to characterize his 10 gallon per hour
silver maker for the list.  
He refused to do so indicating that the unit was for sale.  

I don't understand this since if something is for sale, one normally
disseminates some information about it regarding it's general
principles, how it works, what is involved in the setup, what it's
limits and parameters are, information generally supporting the claims
of the seller, etc. 

One wouldn't be expected to buy a "pig in a poke," would one?

Perhaps the reason you see more about the silver puppy is that a lot of
people are asking about it, 
and also that Ken/Ode is willing to disclose information about it.

Regarding the production amount...

Would you say that the Walgreens personal humidifier that many use is at
the bottom for volume and production since it puts out much less
humidity than the ultrasonic pond fogger mentioned recently?  Probably
you would.  However, specific devices have specific attributes and may
be suitable for different markets.  I could name the attributes that
make the silver puppy unique and desirable for some users.  


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