I've used de-ionised / demineralised water for about 4 years with no problems at all. It often has a much lower EC /PPM reading than some of the distilled I have bought and at times it seems to make clearer CS. Meter readings, brewing times, TE, and taste also all indicate that the final product is the equal or better than any distilled water batches. The thing is though that, unlike distilled, the quality can very greatly. Good deionised water can be very good, but bad deionised water can be pretty ordinary. You really need to get a TDS/PPM, EC (COM 100 or PWT) meter to test it for yourself or you'll be relying on other peoples advice or labels, neither of which can always be trusted. Meters are not expensive.

Over here in Australia, very good quality demineralised water is available in the the laundry products aisle of most supermarkets. WT Brand is usually very good.


From: "Kirsteen Wright" <kirsteen.falcons...@gmail.com>
Date: 5 December 2006 2:47:41 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Water & CS generator

Ok I was all set to make my own CS. I've got the batteries, the wires with crocodile clips., the 99.9% silver wire and was really pleased to have found a site selling distilled water. Well it arrived today - only it's not distilled water it's de-ionised water. The company I ordered it from (tractor spares) - I'm in the UK are quite happy to take it back as they got it from their supplier in good faith as 'distilled water'.

Unfortunately, this again leaves me without a supply. I'm seriously thinking of investing in a counter top distiller. Can I be a pain once again and ask what will happen if I use the de-ionised water. I know it's been discussed before but I've tried to check back the messages and can't find it.

Sorry to be a nuisance


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