From: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 2:54 PM is spelled this the same as Cumin...the spice one uses
in Chili Dishes?  V

Hi V,

You've probably seen other posts by now that tell you that Circumin is one of the ingredients found in the spice called Turmeric. Many supplement manufacturers have extracted the pure circumin and encapsulated it for those wishing a stronger dose. Since I can't stand the taste of turmeric, that's how I take my circumin. Vitamin Research Products is one of many who produce these capsules.

Anyway, learning from Chuck,
I warm up an oz or 2 of CS, open an eyebright cap ***(Eyebright as in the
Herb?) into it, making a "tea",
stir in the MSM,***(do you think this would work without the MSM?) let it
steep, then strain.
Haven't tried putting in any DMSO, but that'll be next....

I use Dr John Christopher's formula, now made by Nature's Way and it is an herbal blend called Eyebright. The eyebright herb is the dominant one in the formula. The MSM is a good carrier for all the other ingredients, seems to "potentiate" the formula a bit.

Never thought about using it regularly for the floater/s I now have since
the vitreous in my right eye starting detaching last year. That was a fun
day that started with flashing lights and ended with the fat black floater;
that's when I ended up in the ER and then an eye Dr's office.

****Had the exact same experience...did this really clear up the floaters???
      Do you still have the lights ?

There is still occasional evidence of the floater, very small. I think it has parked itself in the outer corner of the eye, only to show up when I look at strong light or move my head in some way. The lights, thank God, have not shown up again. If they do, I'll have a genuine panic attack!

I make sure to take Vit C every day, accompanied by a Bilberry capsule, and also pycnogenol, as that is said to be helpful with detaching eye parts. I should probably add lutein, but have not gotten around to it. There are good eye supplements on the market that have that, along with other ingredients all in one capsule. One, called Occudyne, springs to mind.


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