****Hello Pat...
Please don't take this as anything but a personal experience...what worked 
for me may not for others...vice versa.

However...a while back..at an annual Eye Exam...I was told that I seemed to 
have the begining of cataracts.

I did some research and found that eye drops could cause the problem.
I showed the information to my primary care doc and she said the info looked 

So I stopped the Visine and used only my own (Silver Puppy) C.S. spray..still 
Next exam  no sign of Cataracts.

Also...on my last visit...just a little while ago...The Eye Doc. mentioned 
that my eyes were amazingly "clean".
I asked what did that mean...she replied that I would be surprised at how 
much bacteria many people have in their eyes.
I told her about my using the C.S. and she seemed o.k. with it.
Just thought I would mention this...V.

In a message dated 12/18/2006 10:00:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
pattycake29...@yahoo.com writes:
Today I saw my opthalmologist because of the new large floater.  The retina 
is ok, but he wants to recheck in 3 weeks.  I told him I've been reading about 
things to help get rid of floaters and also a way to lessen cataracts.  He 
said there is nothing that really helps either one.  He said he'll see someone 
with new floaters, then again in three weeks.  The patient says they've gotten 
better, but when he looks, they're exactly the same.  The brain adjusts and 
overlooks them.  

Of course, no one knows everything and if something does no harm, it's worth 
a try.

BTW, I'm sure my vet had never heard of colloidal silver.  I asked him if he 
knew about it and he looked blank and uninterested, so I just said it kills 
germs and I spray my dog's snout with it after she's been nosing around in all 
the poop at public places.  He said that's good, but didn't care to know more.  
I think sometimes highly educated people think there is nothing to be learned 
from their average client.
