From: Sandy Files <>
Date: 19 December 2006 6:06:29 AM
Subject: CS>comparing

From what I gathered, the meso is smaller than Ionic, but even Marshall's paper explains/agrees that the color is due to larger particle size.. So is it possible for someone to explain WHY the meso has such a dark color... It seems contradictorily to what they are stating about their product..

An ion is the smallest silver 'unit' possible but, in spite of what Natural Immunogenics would like you to believe, its not a 'particle'. Meso has the the smallest 'true' particles. The color is so dark because (according to the Meso website)...

"true silver colloids that have a high percentage of the silver content in the form of nanometer sized particles will absorb visible light causing the apparent color to appear dark-amber or brown. It is the very high concentration of particles, not large particle size or contamination, that gives these products such color"

In other words, its not particle size that causes Mesosilver to be dark, Its dark because those particles are packed so closely together. (Incidently the above quote comes from the same FAQ on the site that plainly admits that mesosilver's most persuasive research, in favor of particles, was mistakenly based on ionic silver NOT on so-called 'colloidal silver').

At the other end of the scale, Natural Immunogenics products, Sovereign Silver and Argentyn 23, have virtually no particles at all. It's all ions - thats why its colorless. No need to be unsure about this. Its clearly stated in their own flashy Argentyn 23 brochure that's aimed at the medical profession. Under the heading 'Safety Parameters' (where they probably have to talk straight for a change) it says "Argentyn 23 is composed strictly of silver metal ions and ultra pure water". Can't get much plainer than that!

Natural Immunogenics probably make a good product but they are among the most dedicated BS artists in the game. As a former advertising copy writer I am truly impressed by the relentless effort they go to to confuse everyone about what Sovereign Silver IS and ISN'T - without outright lying. (Although sometimes they get pretty close to outright lying. They used to claim their products contained a magic ingredient called 'Energia' as I recall. Thats just plain snake- oil language). I think the main reason they don't just admit it's ionic, is because they don't want 'us' to know that we are making virtually the same stuff at home.


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