Gina Gomes wrote:
Hello Everyone
I am totally new to colloidal silver. Can someone explain to me what causes Argyria? Is it really due to not using distilled water?

*What is this about Argyria?*

As outlined above argyria is caused by the photographic process. Silver salts/compounds are exposed to light in the skin and reduced to silver atoms. If the level of salts is sufficiently low, the atoms are swept out of the skin by the blood flow and everything is fine. If however the level of salts in the blood is over some minimum level the atoms will increase in size as the silver salts plate out on them, growing so rapidly that they will become stuck in the tissues. This is the photographic development process. To prevent argyria it is essential to keep blood levels of silver compounds below a threshold value. This is done by taking a combination of both silver compounds and colloidal silver (the composition of EIS), so that when the silver salts plate out, there are huge numbers of silver particles in the colloid present so that growth of any particle (even those formed in the skin by the sun) is minimized, and no particle grows large enough to get stuck.

Some people who have taken large amounts of IES (several quarts or more a day) have reported blueing of the moons of their fingernails. This can occur when the level of EIS exceeds some amount, which seems to vary depending on the person, and whether they are deficient in vitamin E and selenium or not. Vitamin E and selenium have a prophylactic effect on argyria, and on the blueing of the fingernail roots. Apparently taking silver over time can also cause a loss of selenium and even a deficiency. If you take EIS over long periods of time it is suggested that you supplement your selenium intake ( Natural sources of selenuim are listed at Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Selenium <>, and Brazil nuts are very high in selenium). Anyway, the body disposes of silver by several routes ( see ), the kidneys, the liver, sweating, and by putting metals into hair and nails. The body collects excess amounts of metals in the nail bed to allow it to put those in the nails. If concentrations exceed some amount in the nail bed, then aggregation can occur, causing the nail bed to turn blue. Although this appears to be argyria of the fingernail moons, the mechanism is totally different. Also it is probably a pretty good warning that you might be taking more silver than you should, and unless you are taking it for a cronic condition, should cut back, and/or you should supplement with selenium.

Note that although the medical community considers argyria permanent, there have been some successes reported by taking selenium, Vitamin E and Vitamin C. Because of the nature of argyria, EIS will not cause argyria, but can make it worse if you already have it. The reason is that EIS contains particles that quickly reduce any silver salt levels in the blood so that any silver seed particles formed in the skin are unable to grow enough to get stuck. However if you already have particles in the skin that are stuck, then ANY silver compounds in the blood at all will over time plate out on those particles making them grow even larger. That is why some people who have gotten argyria (from other sources than EIS, such as silver citrate, attempting to make EIS with tap water, silver nitrate nose drops, silver acetate smoking gum/lozenge or MSP) and have managed to get rid of the argyria's color using selenium, vitamin A and C, find that it tends to return even when taking high quality EIS. That is because the protocol is reducing the particle sizes to where they no longer absorb light, but not to the point of getting them unstuck in the skin. If the protocol is continued without any silver intake over a long enough period it might be possible to eliminte these seed particles completely, but at this point there is no data on this.

There have been reports that the following protocol is capable of eliminating argyria:

This protocol is found at

1. 200mcg of selenium per day is a safe supplement to take on an ongoing basis. 2. He also advises a high-quality,* mixed vitamin E, at 1000 IU per day for people over 50 years of age who may be at risk of stroke, and 2,000 IU per day for people under 50 who are not at risk of stroke. I told Dr. Gruenn that I was taking 4,000 IU a day. He replied that this was still safe for a strong healthy person. The danger of high doses of vitamin E is that it thins the blood. This could be dangerous in many situations where bleeding is hard to stop. 3. Personally, I would also drink lots of water, simply because that's how the body clears out debris. No one knows if this therapy will prove efficacious, or if it does in how many cases. If my liver spots are any kind of indicator, some lightening of t he skin ought to be visible within six weeks if this therapy really is working. Three to six months should be a sufficient amount of time to completely eliminate argyria provided that no additional silver is being ingested. (Since my conversation with Dr. Gruenn, I've had some additional ideas for getting the most out of this nutritional therapy for argyria.) 4. 2 tsp. of MSM per day. Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to pull it from the body. More information on silver and sulfur can be found on page 74.
5. 4,000 mg. of vitamin C per day.
6. 1 tablet a day of a good quality multiple mineral since this therapy may deplete needed minerals from the body.

* Most vitamin E supplements are of poor quality and some even contain rancid oils that will be an additional burden rather than an aid to the body. Dr. Gruenn recommends a vitamin E that has a mix of d-alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocopherols. (Avoid tocopheryls, which are artifical and will not work).

D.M., Portland, ME (the argyria cure only)

Why would anyone want to take anything other than food and water and oxygen indefintely?
I am not sure it it is a matter of wanting to, but in many cases necessary. My wife will probably be on high blood medication the rest of her life.
Are there things that can be done to reverse it if it does happen?
See above.

Thank you very much.

*/Deborah Gerard <>/* wrote:

    Hey that is a huge group over there (5) people...grandkids,
    parents, cats, and myself have not had any problems....deb

    */* wrote:

        Oops, sorry for some reason this didn't go to the list and it
        went to bronco himself.  This is to correct the problem.  I am
        just another person this list caused to get Argyria due to
        their beliefs of CS.  I can't give any details on my problem
        because at this time there is an attorney working on my case
        and many others who have had Argyria happen.  But this is not
        Rosemary, this is a case that has occurred in the last several
        years and not years ago before they knew what they were doing
        as many try to say.
        Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 19:47:02 EST
        Subject: Re: CS>Agryia

        In a message dated 2/3/2007 5:31:35 P.M. Central Standard
        Time, writes:

            Rosemary, how interesting to hear from you again. Still
            got the anger
            problem, eh? Hope   you and yours are well, please do stop
            by again


        *Sorry to disappoint you but this is not Rosemary.  Thank
        you!  Once again you have been proven wrong.  Rosemary would
        have signed Rosemary.*
** *ArgyriaVictim*

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