The recent posts relating to algal species prompt me to make some comments as to effectivity in human health.....especially for their use as prophylactic supports. We have used and evaluated, numerous members of this class of plants in multiple evaluations throughout the past 20 years. One comment I can make with high confidence.....from the microscopic types to the giant kelps, the most, consistently useful, has presented from the representatives from the "larger-fronded" types; and from among them.....the finest has proven to be the Icelandic representative known as Thorvin (the trade name).
Chromista is a Kingdom-level taxonomic group which does not store their energy in the form of starch. Additionally, the photosynthetic chromists frequently carry "pigments" in addition to chlorophyll. It is these pigments which give them their gold, reddish, or brown color.
Actually, there are 3 types of chlorophyll;
Type A....All plants, algae and cyanobacteria which synthesize, contain chlorophyll A.
Type B....Occurs "only' in green algae and in plants.
Type C.....Is found only in the photosynthetic members of Chromists and dinoflagellates.

While it is true that in certain specific cases, representatives such as Angel's Hair Seaweed (fucoidan containing),some of the Brown seaweed representatives....and gold colored varieties, exhibit more pronounced health effects----generally, they do not justify their additional expense (in our opinion). Also, the cost differential between many of these, and Thorvin-type enormous.
Without question, in my mind, the most useful recommendation for supporting human health which I have ever given this list membership....has been to encourage the inclusion of Marine Kelp in their daily diets. We, categorically contend, without the full-spectrum of required minerals (in assimilable form)....complete utilization of the vitamin family is not possible. Kelp, alone, among present life-forms....
avails us this treasure for human health.
Do forgive this lengthy post, but it is well-meant.
Brooks Bradley.
P.S. I do not mean to minimize the value of Maxicrop or any of the other English or Norwegian kelps presently available. They are all useful products....just not up to the quality of the Icelandic least in our opinion.

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