How much salt are you talking about?

You start out at 4 grams each of salt and vitamin c, taken in four separate doses. You gradually move up to a maximum of a gram of salt and a gram of c per 12 pounds body weight per day. The time
you between those two can be weeks or months depending on your
individual reaction.

For more info google "lyme strategies".

I cannot stress enough that I would avoid any corn source vitamin C, and I do not prefer any pure ascorbic acid myself, I prefer
mineral ascorbates.

> Could you tell us what brand of vitamin C you take? The ascorbic acid
> seems to be in most of them.

I prefer the same brand that Linus Pauling (the 'Father' of vitamin c) used in all of his studies and took himself:

L-ascorbic acid   <-- the 'L' is the important part...

Available from: / 800-894-9025

They offer a very good discount if you auto-ship one bottle per month (the price goes from $34/bottle to $21/bottle)...

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