Mr. Wayne Fugitt wrote: (to ‘s message posted yesterday.)

Your message brings back many questions, ideas, and problems of beginners<<.

The contents of this message brought me back in the happy mood, one I like to be in. It's called the sphere of equanimity to those who know.

The message referred to was a bit of a surprise to me, and I did not want to react to it in a "spontaneous way" which would certainly have been misinterpreted by the person concerned.

I am very happy with the many other reactions to my humble question I had; thank you Wayne -- and Dan Nave also for your splendid explanation of how to calculate nano-particles/and time. That was one thing I needed, and that is what this Forum is all about!

I would like to add, to Mr. Wayne’s post:
I have had to work on my own cars for some time; I did it with pleasure, and I learned a LOT. It was a t a time when money went poor due to the course of my life. The mechanic was a good guy, and he appreciated my trials and errors. Now I am able to do most everything on cars .. provided that they are not sophisticated computer thangs. What a coincidence!

See my little problem here is that I have not much of “science” to my disposition. My knowledge of electricity is minimum, and it really took a lot of me (and still does now ad then) to get accustomed to the expressions used on this lovely Forum. Fact is that I AM Dutch by origin, and although a retired teacher of English, the specifications can by tricky.

During all my years in college, I used to teach my kids (and grown-ups!) one basic rule: You have no right to draw back from a project before having tried it. –Any dead fish can flow downstream-, or as the Buddha taught: the sin is not in falling .. the sin is in falling, and not getting up again afterwards. Think about it. Trying it is learning! In my professional approach I used another expression by times: There are absolutely no problems, there are solutions. I lived by that rule for a long long time, and I shall live by it until my last breath.

One other thing which drew my attention is this:

They talk like they want to achieve perfection and knowledge about the process, while ignoring the basics, taking shortcuts, being penny wise and dollar foolish, and generally stumbling thru the forest blindfolded.<<

Not really!
I have always made Colloidal Silver Water of good quality, wary of the dangers (Argyria!) and precautious for my loved-ones whom I gave it to. When it was of a strange color (often yellow clouds on the bottom of my glass, or just too darn grey) or when it had those black specks in it, I would throw it away, until some good soul on this Forum told me to use it for plants and animals. When we changed from Spawater to “le Bleu”, our product was a lot more attractive; very clear, and very mild of taste.

I was very happy with Mamapug’s message on howtudu, in a home-made model with electrical wires, crocodile beaks and batteries. I have done that ever since. It is only now, in our new situation, being VERY conscious of the responsibility I have for our clients, for the name that my wife is establishing as a health-care worker in our new home-land, and for our own health -in short for a spotless product- that I am carefully preparing to make my CS with the energy coming out of the wall.

You talk about a patent, Wayne. Give you a lill secret of mine here: I’ll have mine soon, and it will stop the car-thieves in this community. Yet, I am no dreamer. Getting a patent is a lot of work, and it pays to be stronger and smarter than those out-there. Nevertheless, my blue-print is ready, and all I need is a bit of engineering, and again, delving into electricity. But did not Thomas Alpha Edison and Marconi have to in their time?

Thanks for your defense, my friend,
Much obliged,
Take care, and:

To faith,

Faith St. Francis.

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