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it is to send the e-mail to one person (the silver-list, or in other
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-----Original Message-----
From: Rowena [] 
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 4:12 AM
To: EUNICE COOKE; ransley; Dave Evans; Trish Evans; Jo Williams RDA WA/
Collie; Joe O'Halloran; John Wesley Mann; Jonathan Evans
Subject: Re: CS> Stamina formula: Pollen, honey, lemon, water

A friend just told me about a recipe she was given by someone who has
used it for years.
It apparently makes vitamins and enzymes immediately available to the
body - it can assimilate them.

1 tbsp pollen
1 tbsp (or less) honey
half a lemon
half a cup of hot water

Mix the above together.  Then add 1/2 cup cold water to fill cup.
Drink on an empty stomach. 
You can also drink it before bed, with or without the honey.

Results seen by 2nd day (my friend had to wait until 3rd day, but she
was very sick.)

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