Vitamin C and plaque buildup....  I'm not saying they are right - being the
"right wingers" and the politicians and AMA in opposition to us, BUT
I have a possible reason as to why they might say this or have reason to do
so (R Harris can throw some input this way)....
i.e. if you are using a pharmaceutical drug - specifically a calcium channel
blocker and ACE inhibitors.. they have a tendency to contraindicate with all
sorts of things including vitamins.

So if somebody were on those types of drugs and vitamins... it's possible.

Let me give you an example that I figured out on my own over 10 years ago
and partially led me to this list.  I am a severe celiac person, (gluten
intolerance) and had a full blown bowel obstruction that lasted for almost
18 months - passing somewhat but still alive but could only eat lettuce and
some fruit the entire time.  I almost died and Emory Hosp in Atlanta
basically wanted to cut me from shoulder to groin more than once and I
wouldn't let them.  Do you know what the culprit was?  The calcium channel
blocker high blood pressure drug I was on.  I came off it - on my own; the
blockage passed a few weeks later and NOW the fennel seed and marshmallow
root would finally work.  ..key words " blocker"  "channel blocker".

Oh and while we are on the subject of blockages and celiac - I have found
that MSG basically embalms me and blocks me for weeks. I counteract it with
goats milk and loads of cal-mag blends.

So until this day, now if a doctor tries to give me something, I have to do
hours of research to see if it will contrandicate with my celiac and
anything else I might be taking - if it does, the doctor gets the
prescription in my file 13...

You almost have to be a layperson chemist to survive these days.

My two cents (the only thing the guvment hasn't taken)

In His Service Daily,

Jeannine the Baroness

On 3/21/07, Day Sutton <> wrote:

Vit C REMOVES plaque from arteries.  Particularly when taken with l-lysine
and proline.
Per Linus Pauling

 On 3/21/07, zeb caffe <> wrote:
> I just read yet  another article stating that taking vitamin C
> supplements can and do cause plaque build up in the necks of people who
> injest it. I think it is called arterial plaque which can lead to heart
> disease and stroke. I wonder if the type of vitamin C used makes a
> difference? I take ester C.I think that the study was done on ascorbic
> acid. I always thought that vitamin C was heart protective actually
> strengthening the arteries. Me, I will continue to take it no matter what. I
> personally am sick and tired of the negative studies done on vitamins.
> Speaking of plaque desposits, does anyone know what it means if you have
> calcium deposits scattered throughout the body? I have them in lungs, renal
> pelvis,tonsils and lymph glands. The docs say that it doesnt mean anything
> other than past trauma, scars, illness  etc. They also say it is common on
> many xrays.
> Last question, I have a friend who has very bad lyme and is interested
> in using silver to treat himself. There have been many discussions on this
> but I was wondering if anyone could give me some good quality web sites
> specifically about the usage of lyme and silver usage? There are so many
> sites that sell silver. I dont think he is able to make his own as he is
> very ill. He has been approached by a doctor about using silver due to the
> fact that the antibiotics are not working any more. The only advice i could
> give was to make sure that the doctor didnt want to use silver protien as
> two other friends of mine have doctors who use it in the IV form which
> worries me.
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Day Sutton