Ive come to the conclusion that you have Jeannine.  I'm sure some doctors
are really genuine in their beliefs, but I just think they don't research
things enough and are too willing to trash alternative methods.  They also
are too ready to believe the drug company salesmen IMHO> I know with my
husband when he had all his nervous troubles, they tried every drug on the
market for this and he couldn't tolerate any of them.  He is finally much
better on his own, but they kept telling him his system 'would get used' to
the drugs in time, but they made him feel so lousy, he wouldn't take them. 
This cannot be right at all IMO.  Dee 
-------Original Message-------
So until this day, now if a doctor tries to give me something, I have to do
hours of research to see if it will contrandicate with my celiac and
anything else I might be taking - if it does, the doctor gets the
prescription in my file 13... 
You almost have to be a layperson chemist to survive these days. 
My two cents (the only thing the guvment hasn't taken)

In His Service Daily,

Jeannine the Baroness