Thanks for your replies, Sol and Clayton Family. We'll all be watching for mold information. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Clayton Family <>
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:48:50 -0600

I am extremely sensitive- I have a small reaction from taking it- due to the mold damage and extreme sensitivity.

So, I get a reaction when I take too much. I started with one dropperful of 10 ppm, once a day, then increased it when I felt like it, every few days or week or so. Now I am up to maybe 2& 1/2 teaspoons a day. When I was first looking this up, I found one MD who is using it for his asthma patients and others too, and he said to start small and go up from there (not to me, it was in an article).

But my reaction to that was nothing compared to the herks from taking the diflucan- that put me in bed for 3 weeks, even at the tiny dose I was taking, one pill 2 times a week. I had a major infection that was killing me.

Everyone told me there is no way out of it- when you are infected by mold, you have to bite the bullet and then deal with the reactions as best you can. Having a detox protocol is very important.

I am also interested to hear what others may have to say about silver and mold, since the mold has been such a major problem in my life.


On Mar 24, 2007, at 11:26 AM, sol wrote:

I have taken between 0 and a quart a day of CS since I started using it at least 4 years ago. I have never once had a herx reaction. Some people may get a herx from starting with too much, but I have never had one so I freely dose by symptoms or no symptoms. If I have had little or no CS for days and then eat something that gives me the gallops, I have no qualms about drinking 4 - 8 ounces right down. It stops the food borne bacteria/runs nearly immediately.
  I don't know if I am unusual in never getting a herx? Anybody know?

ruth strackbein wrote:
I have been wondering the same thing. I have a Silvergen now and am taking 1 tblsp a day. That is up from a tsp a day to start with. Didn't want to get a herx reaction. Will have to look back in my files about EIS and mold. Ruth

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