you mind if I make a suggestion?
First I think I better make a comment...I am very overweight...and I got this 
way from dieting.
For years...I ate next to nothing  smoked like a madwoman  but no food...and 
grew and grew in size.
Looking back...I know what I should have done...but the years of diet pills  
and not feeding my body has ruined my metabolism.
So I am slowly trying to rebuild..using what I have learned in the past few 
Heres my suggestion...Determine what you Blood Type is and follow the 
guidlines for eating for your type.
the Hellers food plan...Carbohydrate Addicts also a good one.
Maybe for many fruits  to much juice is not what your body needs.
Jorge Cruise is another author worth the read...his idea is to do 8 minutes 
of excercise...first thing in the morning...before you do anything else...and 
that sets up your metabolism for the day.
Then  eat every 3 that is right for your body type (Thats my 
thought) and that should see the weight begin to remove itself .  
I saw him with Emeril   he did his type of Lasagna and Emil did his..both 
looked yummy of course.
My only problem with Cruised food plan is that he combines food.
So taking his ideas of 8 minutes of exercise...first thing in the a.m.  and 
eating every 3 hours...then using a diet plan that works for your blood 
type...might work.
Worth a try?  V.

From: _Dee _ ( 
To: _silver-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 10:01 AM
Subject: Re: another interesting site on iodine, was Re: CS>low sodium on 
blood test- now iodine again - OT

Really I'm quite fed up because it seems that you read one thing is good for 
you and then along comes something else to say that it is not!  I did the 
suggested iodine test (a patch on the skin) and it was absorbed in seven hours. 
This is supposed to indicate that I am low on iodine and as I have one or two 
symptoms that would seem to support this I am now taking a supplement of it.  I 
have to say that I have far more energy than I did and feel much better, but 
the weight thing is still a problem, as I have to eat next to nothing to lose 
it.  Even then it doesn't seem to work.  I am getting to the stage where I am 
going to use *no* supplements at all but make juice.  Mind you, I've read that 
even that is not as good as eating fruit!  You can't win!  Dee  

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