In a message dated 4/6/2007 2:39:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

I think I have probably tried every diet in the book over the years!  i have 
Mercola's book on body types, but can't really decide which type I am! I seem 
to be a mix of all of them!  I know that carbs make me fat though, but can't 
follow anything like the Atkins as I don't like meat much.  I tend to live on 
sandwiches and I think it is probably the bread which is the culprit!  A 
hopeless case I'm afraid, but thank you for all your help.  Regards Dee 

Dee...Body type and Blood Type are two different things...:)
Sorry to hear you are a hopeless case...but if you ever change your  mind 
about that...try googleing  Blood Type Diet. V.

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