The name of the movie is The Future of Food, a documentary.

On Apr 9, 2007, at 11:12 AM, wrote:

****Message below in the post...thanks...V.
In a message dated 4/9/2007 8:54:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Well, the govt has appointed Monsanto executives to head the Epa and in
other positions of power in the FDA. It is chilling.
On Apr 8, 2007, at 10:19 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

> Why on earth would they do such a horrible thing and why isn't anyont
 > stopping them??
> Clayton Family <> wrote:
>  I saw this movie last night, a documentary.
I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE SOME DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OF WHAT MONSANTO IS DOING...FOR MY OWN INFORMATION AND TO BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN BETTER TO MY FAMILY JUST WHAT IS HAPPENING. V.  It is one of the most scary and eye opening things I have seen in a long time. Basically, it tells how Monsanto has spliced E coli into food, along with antibiotic
>  resistant bacteria, and viruses, etc. So Bt corn, has several
 > different
>  kinds of infectious organisms in it.
> No wonder so many people are having these unknown allergies and immune
>  diseases- those are some of the common side effects of eating this
>  food.
> I am almost certain it has played a big role in my own health issues.
> Just wanted to put a bug in your ears,
> Kathryn
> A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth.
> Albert Einstein, 1901

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