Severe allergic reactions are much more common today than in years past. Almost unheard of 100 years ago, now everyone has heard of it, nearly.

Dr Doris Rapp has been working in the allergy field for 40 or 50 years, and is convinced that toxins and chemicals are to blame for the upswing in severe childhood allergies and brain disorders, like ADHD. She has a book about it, is this your child's environment, or something.

In my own case, I had sinus problems, which according to research done by Mayo Clinic and available by searching PubMed, is almost certainly due to fungal infections. Also had a small amount of toxic mold growing on some sheetrock in 2 locations in the home, further poisoning me. I was given dilfucan, an antifungal to deal with the candida and sinus infections, and allergy antigens. This improved my condition a great deal, but not enough.

Then I heard about CS, and started using it instead of the diflucan and the antigens, which I came to believe were also adding to my burden. I use it 3 x a day, just like I had to take the antigens. The 3 x a day schedule has been shown to work the best for sublingual route of allergy treatment, so I stayed with the 3x a day routine, to stimulate my body's immune response, but with cs instead of antigens.

At the same time, I heard for the first time about genetically engineered food in our diet, and that it might be contributing to our problems. So I started trying an organic vegetarian diet (I am vegan, due to allergies to dairy).

I improved MUCH more quickly with this, and consider that the genetically engineered food to be a sinister stealth attack on our entire nation. One quote from the movie, from the GE company, said they will be watching the children of the nation closely in the next 10 years! If we were infiltrated by Communists intent on the destruction of our nation, it could not be much more evil than this.

So Monsanto had been looking for a soil bacteria that is genetically resistant to Roundup. They looked for 12 years, then they found one. They tried cutting and pasting it in, but no go, the cell boundaries are too strong (just to keep things like this out). So then they put on their thinking caps and decided that bacteria and viruses can invade the cell wall, so they put in some E coli. This bug causes some severe gastrointestinal infections, by the way. It worked. They found some viruses that also work, and to get a control on the process so they can test if it is working, they put in an antibiotic resistant bacteria. So they can give the culture the antibiotic, and if the culture lives, they have won!

SO in GE soy, we eat e coli, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and some viruses. And then they can spray it with Round up, and it won't kill the plant. And we are not talking about how the pollen from the corn goes all over and contaminates regular corn.

I am thinking that the CS might be a supplement I might need for the rest of my life. These ge bugs might be getting into my cells (something did, I had a severe body wide infection of some kind, judging by how little cs I could take without getting a bad herks). And since the CS works at the cellular level, it will maybe kill all the invaders.

At any rate I am getting healthier by the day, as long as I watch my diet, environment and take my CS. By the way, my food allergies are also improving greatly- I had some dairy by accident, and did not have anaphylaxis, did not even have an asthma attack like last time, but I could not digest it well, and had indigestion and fatigue. I took some digestive enzymes and fasted 24 hours, and much better today. Not to mention the inhalent allergies.

I am thinking it must be some combo of infections. Whatever it is I am happy it works. I am sure my problems are not permanent, even though so many people say things like this are permanent. It turns out they are not, if you can get away from the toxins and cure the infections.



On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:14 AM, sol wrote:

Well iodine is a 'necessary nutrient', but I CANNOT entirely avoid it, and do not have a goiter, so I MUST be getting sufficient. 20 years + of strict avoidance and I'm not dead yet (quite). So I get plenty of iodine, all my ultra-strict avoidance does not mean I'm iodine deficient, only means that I (mostly) manage to keep my total iodine intake down to where I don't have constant severe hives and eczema. I still do have frequent hives and eczema (I do everything I can to keep it to a minimum) and take antihistamines constantly plus sometimes have to use cortisone products, etc., etc. all because it is impossible to really avoid getting iodine. People who can eat high iodine foods, seafood, sea salt, high iodine veggies like broccoli and asparagus, and all the commercially prepared foods that contain iodized salt or seaweed thickeners and so on get a lot of iodine. Still some people may not get enough, but I personally suspect that is because of some inability to properly use what they take in.

My point is only that many people are allergic to and must avoid various "necessary for life" nutrients. Take a look at phenylketonuria for just one other example.

A complicating factor is that when one is having a sensitivity or allergy reaction going on, one becomes more sensitive to everything, and make have additive allergic reactions to substances that one might not otherwise react to. Over my years of iodine allergic reactions, this has resulted in my developing other permanent allergies/sensitivities. Of course I could be wrong about the cause of this progression, but I'm not wrong about the fact I've developed more and more sensitivities and reactons over the years.

However----regular CS use for 4 ?) years now has resulted in a great reduction in inhalant allergies, pollens and the like. I can't explain that except that it could be due to reduction in candida overload, and possibly reduction of mold in sinuses (I don't know if I actually ever had mold infection in my sinuses, but I used to get 3 or 4 bad colds, flus, and sinus infections every year. Now.....I don't. Nor do I suffer "hay fever" with anything approaching the severity that used to be common to me. Yay!


Dee wrote:
How does this work then Sol, because I thought that iodine was essential to life? Dee

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Albert Einstein, 1901

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