Hi GMetropulo. I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems. It sounds so painful and to have to suffer this for years must be so debilitating. I know very little about lyme disease, so whatever I suggest, you have probably already tried. But what's to lose? If I repeat stuff you already know about, just ignore me.

Have you been to the Curezone website on Lymes Disease Support Forum? Here's the link:


Here's also a link to a page that says 'Lyme Disease - Prevention and Curing Protocol'


Another great therapy that is supposed to work wonders is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It involves fingertip tapping on the acuppresure points - accupuncture without the needles - while saying something along the lines of 'even though I have this awful muscle spasm, I still deeply accept myself'. Sounds crazy, but it works! here's the link:


I also believe in the power of healing thoughts and prayers - so my healing thoughts and prayers are flowing to you. I hope you find relief soon.

Frankie x

From: gmetrop...@aol.com

help for chronic lyme in scalp muscle

Any suggestions for chronic lyme in the scalp muscle which causes severe
pressure. crunching, burning and severe contraction of the scalp muscle which descends into contracted and burning neck and back muscles causing restricted circulation to the heart and extremities? The edema and fibrosis of the scalp muscle is severe. I constantly have to stretch and massage my scalp and neck,
pull my hair to release some fluid out of the crunchy tissues. The throbbing
is intense surrounding my head.Tendon and muscle spasms are severe in hands,
toes and legs. The invasion and contraction to the scalp muscle has affected all
the descending muscles impairing circulation. If I could heal my fibrosed,
crunchy, burning contracted scalp muscle it would be a tremendous relief after 7
years of agony and nothing working.

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