Forget the scalp - You have to get rid of the entire population of Lyme spirochetes in your body or they will repopulate in about a month and the whole thing will start over again. I know how hard that can be to live with as I had it before they even knew what it was.(1957) I finally got a diagnosis from a doctor a few years ago but wouldn't let them treat it. My treatment protocol was four ounces of CS every 20 minutes for three days, then three times a day for many months. I got rid of the main discomfort in three days and stayed with the assault for many months until I was sure it was all gone. That was 42 years after getting it. I got bit by over 70 ticks last summer and had the lab check for any tick borne diseases. The tests came back negative which is proof that I did in fact kill Lyme with CS.
Dave wrote:

Any suggestions for chronic lyme in the scalp muscle which causes severe pressure. crunching, burning and severe contraction of the scalp muscle which descends into contracted and burning neck and back muscles causing restricted circulation to the heart and extremities? The edema and fibrosis of the scalp muscle is severe. I constantly have to stretch and massage my scalp and neck, pull my hair to release some fluid out of the crunchy tissues. The throbbing is intense surrounding my head.Tendon and muscle spasms are severe in hands, toes and legs. The invasion and contraction to the scalp muscle has affected all the descending muscles impairing circulation. If I could heal my fibrosed, crunchy, burning contracted scalp muscle it would be a tremendous relief after 7 years of agony and nothing working.

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