Gentlemen...I am going to assume your comments have no relevence to my post 
where I mentioned that I was just short of needing a wheelchair.
Although both comments were tacked onto the discussion between Mike and 
Even if this is just an you the benefit of the was 
very insensitive...I don't know Dan very well but have read many of Ode's 
posts and appreciated his sharing his knowledge so freely...but both Dan's and 
Odes posts both reek of "Imusitis" careful how you may find 
words coming back to you one not very nice ways.
Altho I am overweight  my problem lies in the deterioration of my knee and 
ankle of the problems my body has to deal with involving lack of 
Vitamin D and years and years of very hard a caregiver I did lifting 
and moving that my body was never equiped to do.
Again...perhaps it was accidental that you both chose to make your comments 
above the post I had sent...or maybe you are both feeling extremely superior 
and full of yourselves today...however it happened...your words were cruel no 
matter who they were directed to.
You don't know that can you make such judgements on how she 
became trapped in her body?
Not an ounce of sympathy for her?
Enjoy your health while you have will not last for ever.  V
In a message dated 4/12/2007 12:55:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

It has always amazed me how someone can get so fat that they can't leave
their room.
Somebody has to be bringing food in.  How easy would it be to maintain
their diet to 
something that would let them loose enough to leave the room.

Maybe it's the pizza delivery...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Carb Blockers/Dr. Sears/Sprinting

600 pound woman on Montel Williams.

"I can't exercise!  I can barely turn over in bed. " [Oh , that's
horrible, you poor dear, says Montel ]

But Gee, what does that mean?

Not.... For you, turning over IS exercise?
And BTW, if you can barely turn over, how did you get to the kitchen
for so long? ...never mind keeping it stocked.

Well, she died a few weeks later.
Good helping friends can be your worst enemy, I suppose.
Prolonged misery and Death by sympathy.

Here, don't get up, I'll get that for you...let me help.   [sigh]


At 03:13 PM 4/11/2007 +0005, you wrote:

>Dear Virginia,
> > However, I appreciate your response to my book I need

> > not purchase. I understand the idea of switching paces...but I am 
> > this far ... from being in a wheel chair. Sprinting is only a
> > for me...LOL    V.
>Given Charles' example, I can understand your response. However, Sears'
>method is applicable to exactly the kind and intensity of exercise that
>*you* are capable of right *now.*
>As I read it, it doesn't matter if you get winded walking across the 
>room, you can use *that* level of activity to begin training your body 
>to re-build your strength. It scales to any fitness level.
>At least that's the concept. It gives me a way to use the ability I 
>have at present in as efficient a way as possible. I'll give it a try.
>Hope that helps.
>Be well,
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[                        ]
>[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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