It's not even a matter of judgementalness.
 It's not about "cruel", it's about what's true.
  If you think that's cruel, then YOU think it's cruel.
 It's "your" sensitivity at work here, not any one elses' insensitivity.
 Is it not an opportunity to change a belief in helplessness??
It's about being in control of what can be controlled and doing what can be done, within the imposed limits. No one is totally helpless until they blame something or someone else for what they didn't do.

Three people have their legs amputated.
One sits in a wheelchair, helpless. [Pizza delivery may be a big comfort and that's fine, but there are consequences...and...since when was living comfortable? Seeking comfort is also 'doing' something. ]
One commits suicide. [recycle, time for new body.]
One starts developing the arms till they can nearly run a marathon.

..all valid choices that result in something and that covers only 3 choices out of hundreds.
And getting "help" can be one of the most disabling choices one can make.
No matter what you apply energies to, you WILL get help, be that sitting around or getting going as actively as possible. Generally speaking, the only people who are stuck, are those who refuse to budge.

The only cruel truth is the one what's not faced up to.
Believe this:  No one ever forces anyone to feel attacked or insulted.
 I am not in charge of how anything given, is taken.

So, you say that your are short of being in a wheel chair. Fine. Now what? Apply efforts to lessen the distance?

BTW Imus made a bad and thoughtless joke. It happens, nobody is perfect. No big deal till one is made out of it. The defensiveness he encountered is a symptom of a much worse disease called "Your opinion defines me, therefore, all that I can be is at the mercy of jerks " In order for me to be a better person for me, I must control YOU...ain't gonna happen and it ain't gonna happen no matter how much air time and victim energy is wasted on it.
 NOW, who's the bad joke?

Imus was right when he said, "I've apologized enough" [Like, why all the fervor if it isn't true?...and if it IS true, hadn't you best get busy? ] Imus was saying, "I'm sorry I thoughtlessly brought your own insecurities to light for you to deal with, I didn't mean to do that." But now, instead of deciding what's true for yourself and getting busy working on any shortcomings the feelings indicate exist, you decide to slap me around...and prove whatever point that YOU thought I was making.

Even some of the black commentators are beginning to clue into what "really" happened.
The truth is opportunity.  Use it, or not. Your choice.
Focusing on what ISN'T true, is just pointless at best...perpetuates self deception at worst. The victim game of "I'm so insulted" takes no one anywhere but where they helpless victims wallowing in the same pig pens as the, so called, victimizers...both, caught in self validating endless loops of Nowheresville.

It simply doesn't matter what anyones "says".
Those are YOUR ears, baby and you DO infer meaning any way you chose to any spoken word as a reflection of your own idea of your self. If it were not so, no offense could be possible and the words have no meaning to be 'taken' in ANY way..and it's just a mumble that no one understands, not even a 'bad' joke.

Imus did the sensible 'sane' thing. He made an attempt to halt the loops and when that didn't work, he stepped OUT of the loops. [Sorry, do what you will, I refuse to play that game any longer. It's not helping me and makes you look even more stupid than *you* say I thought you were.]

"Slap" ,wake UP!
Choice: I AM awake, so never mind. or No thanks, I'll remain asleep, thank you very much.
  Slap back?  Sleepwalker.
  How DARE you interrupt my precious nightmare!

 Apply that truth and make yourself absolutely imperious to insult.
You'll be much happier as a result AND never again waste time and efforts doing things that can't be done.

Hey.  It's absolutely OK to not be perfect.
 Guess what?  Absolutely NO ONE is.
..that's why we're all here, working on it.
[BTW The day we succeed in being perfect and complete, that's the day we'll cease to exist. ]

 One of the most productive things a person can be, is, wrong.
"I'm right" is a dead end.

Am I wrong? Of course I am. I don't define your reality, I only define mine and re-define it a WHOOOLE bunch over and over again. [It's obvious through that same endless revision that I don't know what the heck I'm doing....but I always succeed.] Don't you think you are wrong too? [Of course not, a delusion maintained by insistence contrary to the evidence, successfully maintained. ]

Ultimate challenge, Dear. [ Ohhhh, you won't like "this" ..but that's not "my" problem, now is it?]

Dream about what you may have done to symbolically cut yourself off at the knees. [Joking about it helps acceptance without threat. It's your 6th sense at work and acceptance is step #1 on any journey. ] Knowledge is power. Usable or not, if it isn't there, it CAN'T be used. If it IS there, "maybe" it's useless.
 My bet goes with maybe. [Hedged with,  "IS being used"  without knowing it ]
Knowing that you DON'T know, is almost as helpful, almost as powerful, as knowing. "Knowing" that you can't deceive yourself? Forget it. Ain't at ALL true...not even one tiny little bit.

Bah!  What do I know?  Nothin...right?

There ya go.
  As you 'will'.
You are absolutely correct and you are where you are, absolutely justified any way that pleases you to your precise satisfaction...and that's THE, now what?

I'm NOT sorry.
The truth shall set you free...not "might", but SHALL and IS at this very moment.
But, what do you believe is true when it's YOU that defines freedom??
 THAT's the question.
The answer is: There is no correct definition of freedom. As different as they may be and obviously are, they are ALL true.
 You are free to be as you believe you are.
I'll be the last one to tell you that you can't do anything when the truth is, the only thing that "can't" be done is, nothing.
[Doing nothing IS doing something, no matter what.]

Anyhow......kick my butt any way you wish, it's not within range of your foot, ever.
 Put your hands on the ole computer screen and repeat after me....

HEAL-AHHHH !!!!!, get thee "moving"
Despite what you may "believe", you don't know where you're going, never have and never will....get it?
So, how fast makes no difference and [oddly]  you CAN'T "stop".
....and you believe you have arrived? Then, so you have...with the sound of screeching brakes, actively "being" [a VERB, mind you] where you believe you are.

..that's where the miracles are. [beyond belief in the immeasurably vast realm of, everywhere else.] Pick one, none are the wrong ones...then pick another, there are no limits to everywhere else.

Jesus!  If you can't take a step right now, lift a finger, how about it.
After all, you can always give up and die miserable and helpless later...not to worry, it'll wait...and, that too, is as OK as any other inevitability. Meanwhile, back at the ranch....Who is being cruel to who? Not, you to you, blaming me, is it?
No sale.
I don't care what you do, or even if YOU care what you do. Not my problem. AAHHH! Indifferent? Oh, the GUILT!.
 NOT Sorry, No sale.
 I'm out of range of insult, remember?
You can be too.
 No insult intended, none ever taken.
Stupid Game... Over.

Now Imus has time for his hobbies in the morning...and I'll betcha they don't include mourning in the Imus. Sure, he may be a jerk. But, he's as free to be a jerk as anyone else is to *be* jerked. NO words can be YOUR feelings!
 They simply don't have that power unless you put it there.
So kick where it'll do some good, your own least you can *reach* THAT.

Oops, I forgot. Bad knees. OK, not helpless...slap your forehead. That's the sound of one hand clapping. [ DOH! ]

[OK, 600 pound woman on Montel, good for YOU! Now, turn over again. Keep at it and pretty soon you'll be able to hunt down that evil pizza delivery man.]

Did you believe I was equating that case to yours? Shame on YOU, oh sensitive one, fabricating assumptions. In her case, she didn't use the power she had and died. Maybe that was her "true" desire and she brilliantly succeeded.
 I don't judge anyones desire, only observe how desire uses power.

I suggest, not demand:
 If you think you know what you're doing, think again, or not...your choice
You are FAR more powerful than you can possibly think...and that's "THE TRUTH".
Miracles are, by definition, beyond what "you think you know".
If you think you know where you are going, you'll for sure limit yourself to getting *there*. Now, maybe there really is no other place, but you'll , for sure, never find out if you aren't ever wrong ... and act like such a thing as being wrong isn't possible by blaming your own fears of someone being right on others.

Essentially, you got mad because you "thought" I agreed with your assessment of you and you don't like your assessment.


At 02:39 PM 4/12/2007 -0400, you wrote:

Gentlemen...I am going to assume your comments have no relevence to my post where I mentioned that I was just short of needing a wheelchair. Although both comments were tacked onto the discussion between Mike and myself.

Even if this is just an you the benefit of the was very insensitive...I don't know Dan very well but have read many of Ode's posts and appreciated his sharing his knowledge so freely...but both Dan's and Odes posts both reek of "Imusitis" careful how you may find your words coming back to you one not very nice ways.

Altho I am overweight my problem lies in the deterioration of my knee and ankle of the problems my body has to deal with involving lack of Vitamin D and years and years of very hard a caregiver I did lifting and moving that my body was never equiped to do.

Again...perhaps it was accidental that you both chose to make your comments above the post I had sent...or maybe you are both feeling extremely superior and full of yourselves today...however it happened...your words were cruel no matter who they were directed to. You don't know that can you make such judgements on how she became trapped in her body?
Not an ounce of sympathy for her?
Enjoy your health while you have will not last for ever.  V

In a message dated 4/12/2007 12:55:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
It has always amazed me how someone can get so fat that they can't leave
their room.
Somebody has to be bringing food in.  How easy would it be to maintain
their diet to
something that would let them loose enough to leave the room.

Maybe it's the pizza delivery...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Carb Blockers/Dr. Sears/Sprinting

   600 pound woman on Montel Williams.

"I can't exercise!  I can barely turn over in bed. " [Oh , that's
horrible, you poor dear, says Montel ]

But Gee, what does that mean?

Not.... For you, turning over IS exercise?
  And BTW, if you can barely turn over, how did you get to the kitchen
for so long? ...never mind keeping it stocked.

  Well, she died a few weeks later.
Good helping friends can be your worst enemy, I suppose.
  Prolonged misery and Death by sympathy.

Here, don't get up, I'll get that for you...let me help.   [sigh]


At 03:13 PM 4/11/2007 +0005, you wrote:

>Dear Virginia,
> > However, I appreciate your response to my book I need

> > not purchase. I understand the idea of switching paces...but I am
> > this far ... from being in a wheel chair. Sprinting is only a
> > for me...LOL    V.
>Given Charles' example, I can understand your response. However, Sears'
>method is applicable to exactly the kind and intensity of exercise that
>*you* are capable of right *now.*
>As I read it, it doesn't matter if you get winded walking across the
>room, you can use *that* level of activity to begin training your body
>to re-build youRe CSRe Carb BlockersDr. Se.ems r strength. It scales to any fitness level.
>At least that's the concept. It gives me a way to use the ability I
>have at present in as efficient a way as possible. I'll give it a try.
>Hope that helps.
>Be well,
>Mike D.
>[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
>[                        ]
>[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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