Thanks for posting this we are testing saliva and urine twice a day? 
thanks debbie

Terry Chamberlin <> wrote:  Here is the instruction portion of 
my pH testing page:

Performing the pH tests

To perform the pH tests for yourself to determine your
calcium and nutritional imbalances, or prior to my
performing the rest of the Bioanalysis tests, you will
need to test your urine and saliva each morning and
evening for 6 days in a row. The first time you
urinate each morning is too concentrated to use for
testing, so do not test that. The exception to this
would be if you have already used the washroom only a
few hours before arising for the day. The first test
should be before eating in the morning. Also, do not
do any tests for an hour after eating (such as in the
evening). You also should not have drunk anything just
(say, 20 minutes) before testing saliva. You will need
to put a sample of each in separate small, clean
containers to dip the pH paper in. Do not put the pH
paper in your mouth or urinate directly onto the pH
paper (the chemicals can come off). After you have
dipped a piece of the pH paper (3/8”-1/2” long) into
the specimen, immediately compare it to the color
chart on the side of the pH paper container. Use a
separate pH strip for each specimen and each test.

I would recommend testing in the morning before eating
or drinking anything. Even if you drink water, you
should allow 15-20 minutes afterwards before testing
saliva. In the evening, testing should be at least one
hour after eating. You don’t have to follow a rigid
schedule, but neither should you test at 7:00 AM one
morning and 11:30 the next morning. Try to keep it
within a reasonable period, say between 7:00 – 8:00
each morning (or 9:00-10:00, or something like that)
and the same in the evening, say, between 7:00-8:00,
or 10:00-11:00 each evening. Try to do it during the
same time periods each day. Try to allow at least 8
hours between morning and evening testing times.

Terry Chamberlin

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