Il 02/09/2010 14:15, Michael Kerpan ha scritto:
There comes a time in the life of many long-term open source projects
when the original maintainers can no longer be as active as they once
were. The joy of open source, though, is that if that happens the
community can continue to update the software

as a "Taliban" ;) of the OS, I concur & agree; but also I reckon the role bob has, so, IMRHO the best solution is that Bob remains (with what level of involvment, effective or nominal, is his personal choice) as the head of the dev activity; head, but not figurehead, if someone wonder ;)

On practical dev activities to be done, the main things are, aside developing new emulated cpu cores, machines, drives, &c (the ever-incresing documentation provided by the redoutable Kossow enable developing new emulators, IMVHO) and perfectioning the existing CPU & drivers (looking to the DECTape marks issue, for example) I think, albeit I'm not 100% certain. I guess that this type of works can be eased by a somewhat streamlined doc on how one can do a barebones emulator (i'm working on and off on "occamizing" the 8080 altair emulator into a 8008+TTY system, and isn't easy doing the preliminary "cut works")

Also, implementing a binary output for the EX instruction (think about EX SR...) IMHO should be one of the priorities, also, perhaps some graphic support (PDP-1 spacewar, for example ;) ) should be not a bad idea. Related to the two suggestion above, what was of that blinkenlighten concept someone shows a year or two ago, IIRC ?

this off my hat at the moment....

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
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