In article <b136ede3df5ec441b6f08e0a7ab872450ac9660...@ex2k7-cms-1.wmata.local>,
    "Shoppa, Tim" <>  writes:

> I do agree that someone who was into emulator writing for the fun
> of software development, as opposed to the experimental industrial
> archaeology of running old OS's and applications, might insist that
> other levels of testing are releva nt too.

I don't see this as an either-or proposition.  Do you?  You seem to
imply that from the above.

> Maybe not surprisingly, what is often found is that the original
> peripheral or CPU or memory management had poorly documented or
> undocumented quirks that ar e necessary to emulate to do anything useful.

This is exactly the sort of thing that unit tests are good at documenting.
The document is executable and therefore verifiable in its claims
about the underlying execution behavior.
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