On 2015-10-07 19:31, Gregg Levine wrote:
Remember the keyword in my presentation was "possibly".


And shortly after sending it, I realized it was for the other one,
RTS-8 not OS/8. (That was based on the discussions on that list you
and someone else run remember.) However the big problem for me here
was and still is, that of hardware.

I wonder who that "someone else" is? :-)
Anyway, OS/8 is such a stupid OS that it would in essence be impossible to run something like DECnet on it. OS/8 is pretty much totally polled I/O based, and do not have any memory management, and most programs actually do some I/O without even going through the device drivers, as the device driver functionality is also rather limited.

RTS-8 is in some ways way more capable, but it is more of a dedicated system for a task, and not a general system for generic use.

I wonder if it was ever tested properly and even made to work with
everything else......

Looking at the code, it certainly looks proper enough. I would think it would work.

As for hardware, I personally have enough PDP-8 stuff around to run this. I have even run RTS-8 in the past. But I don't have anything to connect this to.


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