On 11/20/15 1:22 PM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
Den 2015-11-20 kl. 20:12, skrev Will Senn:

On 11/20/15 10:51 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
Den 2015-11-20 kl. 17:35, skrev Will Senn:

I have searched and searched and have not found a satisfactory answer to this question:

How can I efficiently copy files from my host system to unix version 6 running in the pdp11 emulator and from unix 6 to my host system?
I usually do this by just tar'ing to/from a disk file, something like:

on pdp11: tar cf /dev/rxp0c myfiles
on host: tar xf simh-disk-file

Works both ways :-)

-- Ragge

This sounded promising, but as it turns out there appear to be 2 problems... 1. v6 doesn't have tar, and 2. it looks like v6 doesn't have rx device support (floppies). Are you using v6 with tweaks, or v7, or some other variant of unix?
Hm, it was some time ago, but I think it was tar.  Otherwise try cpio?
You do not have to use floppies. rxp is the raw device for rp disks (avoids caching). Just work against that file.

To close the loop on this, I have been able to follow the closing advice in "Setting up Unix - Seventh Edition" and use its v6tar on v6. It appears to require split I+D, so I had to "upgrade" from the 11/40 to an 11/45 or 11/70 (both work). It requires the the kernel be recompiled with separate I+D support with m45.s and such, but pretty straightforward. I haven't done a lot of copying yet, but at least I am able to share between v6 and v7. I have also worked out a couple of different ways to move files to and from the host that involve the disk or tape. I wrote a perl script to read a SimH tape into its constituent files that works ok as a way to transfer files as well (clunkier than tar and such, but it was a good learning exercise).



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