On 1/5/16 11:08 PM, Christian Gauger-Cosgrove wrote:
For those curious of the process:

Right after the configuring jobs section (where it asks the number of
jobs, number of small buffers, and if you want EMT logging) and before
loading the system software from tape is the best point I've found.
When it asks if you want to proceed answer "no".

EDT is in [0,12] so to edit CONFIG.MAC at this point:
$ run [0,12]EDT
The actual CONFIG.MAC file is relatively straightforward and pretty

If you're doing the SYSGEN with an 8B/8B TTI/TTO device with either a
telnet attached console, or on a platform that actually likes escape
characters you can enter "ch" at the '*' prompt to get full screen EDT
(much easier to work with than line editing). F1 is the Gold key, F2
is Help.

After you finish editing CONFIG.MAC, run the BUFCHK program, also in
[0,12] (if you don't at the actual point of building the system for
some reason you get negative small buffers...).
$ run [0,12]BUFCHK

Then continue the sysgen by entering "proceed" at the DCL prompt.


Your instructions worked great. I was able to wait until just before building the monitor to answer No, edit the file and continue. Interestingly, I couldn't run the bufchk at that point but I didn't get any errors either.


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