On 2016-01-06 23:36, Christian Gauger-Cosgrove wrote:
You take one day trip to the US and suddenly "Reply Explosion"...

That's life. :-)

Inlined replies/comments to several previous messages in this thread follow:

On 6 January 2016 at 10:51, Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:
I'm not sure what a DOS device is.

The E-11 simulator has a special device which allows you to read from
a normal PC file folder, it's the DOS device. I know there's an RT-11
to use it, and the resident RSX-11 expert (Johnny) can say if there's
also a driver for it. I don't think there is a RSTS/E driver; though
as an aside: How difficult would it be to add in a custom device to
RSTS/E? If one wanted to implement said "DOS device" in RSTS would it
be possible?

As for RSX:
.dev do:
DO0:     Loaded Type=UNIX
.dir do:

Directory DO0:
7-JAN-16 00:05

cons1.log           ;0        0.
e11                 ;0        0.
cons2.log           ;0        0.
restart             ;0        0.
re11~               ;0        0.
cons0.log           ;0        0.
cons3.log           ;0        0.
e11-4.0b.tar        ;0        0.
e11-5.0.tar.gz      ;0        0.
e11.ini             ;0        0.
d                   ;0        0.
re11                ;0        0.
e11.ini~            ;0        0.
mim.txt             ;0        0.
full.tar.gz         ;0        0.

Total of 0./0. blocks in 15. files


(Unfortunately, the DOS device do not return any information like file size or dates, but I can at least do a directory, and copy files in and out...)

I wrote the DO: device to look like a magtape from RSX point of view, so it also supports "funny" filenames.

I don't know anything about writing your own device drivers under RSTS/E though, so I can't even comment on it. That said, I'm sure Paul do. :-) Also, someone else wrote a user level file access program for the DOS device, which might be another option for accessing files without writing a device driver. Not sure if that could be adopted for RSTS/E if it don't already exist.

3. Magtape.  DOS format labels are very simple; ANSI isn't much harder.  For 
extra credit, someone could write an implementation of VMS BACKUP -- RSTS can 
read those tapes (with some restrictions) in V9.0 or later.

May I inquire how to read VMS BACKUP format? Also, by any chance can
RSTS read RSX style BRU format (...isn't RSX-11 BRU format actually
the predecessor/a subset of VMS BACKUP)?

How to read VMS BACKUP format? Under RSTS/E? How about using BACKUP?
As for RSTS/E reading BRU format tapes... Probably not that hard. I know there is a BRUREAD program from DECUS, which should be pretty easy to adopt, if nothing else.

But no, BRU and VMS BACKUP are not related. At all. However, as Paul said, RSTS/E BACKUP is subset compatible with VMS BACKUP.

4. Disk.  Years ago I wrote a program "rstsflx" that can read and write RSTS 
disk images.  It should still be around; if not I should build some new kits and supply 
them to whoever can offer a place for them.

You can also use AUXLIB$:FIT within RSTS to read and write RT-11
format media. So you could make an RT-11 formatted disk with John
Wilson's PUTR utility and move files to and from it (with a DOS
emulator like DOSbox because PUTR doesn't play nice on x64 Windows);
it'll work on WXP though. You can also make said RT-11 formatted media
with SIMH running RT-11 as well.

Yeah, that was what I was thinking of. You can also read RT-11 formatted disks under RSX, using FLX. So, RT-11 formatted disks are sortof a lingua franca when it comes to transporting files between PDP-11 systems (or even VAX) on disks...


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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