On 29-Feb-16 13:05, Paul Koning wrote:
>> On Feb 29, 2016, at 12:59 PM, Timothe Litt <l...@ieee.org> wrote:
>> ...
>> I created a printer class driver layer for simh when I did PDF output for 
>> all the emulators, but that went into a black hole of "more is not enough" 
>> and did not find its way into simh/master.
> I looked at PostScript output for a printer, which is fairly easy and makes 
> it possible to do non-ASCII characters if the particular machine needs those. 
>  In the end, I did it as an external program (small Python script) instead, 
> but in SimH would certainly not be hard.  PS has the advantage that it's easy 
> to generate and easy to see what's going on, and it can either be printed 
> directly, or converted easily to PDF.
PDF is an ISO archival standard and these days, more accessible than
PS.  To do anything with postscript, you need to get add-on software -
usually ghostscript.  Pretty much every PC, Mac and Linux box has a PDF
reader out of the box.  Several web browsers have built-in PDF
interpreters.  PDF supports non-ASCII characters.  And PDF supports
embedding other media types.  You can (and I did) support compression
and embedded images.

Anyhow, that's what I picked.

I did the work of generating PDF with green (or blue or ..) bar paper,
tractor feed holes, background logos, form sizes, overstrike, queuing to
a spool directory, appending, checkpointing, etc.  I had an escape
sequence interpreter so anything not in the PDF character set (a
superset of ASCII) could be generated fairly easily from a SimH driver. 
I provided translations for 32 character sets, from ASCII to Greek to

I integrated it into all the simulators - not just DEC.  It didn't
preclude .txt output.  But it became controversial for reasons not fully
understood - and I was unwilling to keep implementing non-core features
for specific host platforms. 

I had a lot of other pressures on my time.  I gave up.  I still think it
was a nice piece of work, but clearly the community didn't.

Anyhow, the point is that it's feasible to build a class driver layer &
FWIW, my strong opinion is that for LPD bridges and any output formats,
that's the way to go.  Of course, given my experience, you might want to
collect other opinions.

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