> On 20 Apr 2016, at 21:44, Ken Cornetet <ken.corne...@kimballelectronics.com> 
> wrote:
> That “some kind of transfer utility” is exactly what I’m trying to implement.
> In order to transfer files between a guest and host you need some sort of 
> shared medium.
> In the realm of simh hosted OSes, there are basically 3 forms of 
> bidirectional io devices: paper tape, mag tape, and disk. Paper tape isn’t 
> seekable, so it isn’t really suitable.
> That leaves mag tape and disk as the only shared medium that is supported by 
> the guest OS.
> So the next question is, how do you implement a file transfer utility using 
> shared tape or disk, and that’s exactly what I’ve proposed.
> There is another option which can be used: modify the guest machine virtual 
> architecture to implement a new data mechanism, and to the modify guest OS to 
> support it. This has the advantage that it is more flexible and more 
> powerful, but has the disadvantage of requiring not so trivial modifications 
> of the guest emulation and modification to the guest OS. Additionally, since 
> emulated machines have vastly different architectures, this would be 
> difficult to generalize and integrate into simh as a whole.
> I eventually plan to do exactly this on the hp2100 emulator by writing custom 
> microcode (creating new instructions essentially) and writing an RTE driver 
> so that userland applications can access it . However, the mods I make for 
> the 2100 emulator will not be anywhere close to being usable on other 
> architectures.
> That’s the beauty of using the disk file as the shared medium – you modify 
> simh once, and you get the ability to use that mechanism on every simh OS 
> that knows how to handle raw disks or seekable tapes. You do have to write a 
> small LIF interchange utility, but that shouldn’t be too bad.

Fair enough - I’m just saying that maybe an FTP server isn’t the ideal 
mechanism for accessing the LIF device on the host OS side..


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