> On Apr 20, 2016, at 2:01 PM, Sampsa Laine <sam...@mac.com> wrote:
>> On 20 Apr 2016, at 20:45, Ken Cornetet <ken.corne...@kimballelectronics.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Other than the OS on the old Atari 800 family of computers, I don’t know of 
>> any OS that supports a device to which you can supply a file name and then 
>> read or write data.
>> Most OSes view disk devices as a collection of blocks.
> You’re missing my point - the guest OS would not be mounting this as a block 
> device, but would have some kind of file transfer utility to talk to the host 
> OS’s file system.

Let me flesh this out a bit, I think I understand your idea and it's a pretty 
straightforward one.  It vaguely looks like a pseudo device implementation of 
the GDB remote stub file access setup.  Or, I suppose, vaguely like FTP 
requests; they two are the same thing at a sufficiently superficial level.  :-)

Consider a new type of device exposed to the guest software.  You can send it 
commands: read a file, write a file.  After that command, you read from the 
device to get the file data, or write to it to send file data.  End of file is 
an I/O status code (for read) or some special device operation (for write).

From the application point of view this isn't all that different from guest OS 
file read/write calls, except that (a) it's sequential only I assume, (b) the 
operations are represented as device operations rather than being handled as OS 

What you need for this to work is a way to talk to a raw device.  That means 
directly, if the OS allows it, or if you don't have one.  Or via a very simple 
device driver if one is required.  For example, on RT11, or an IBM 1620, you 
could do the I/O directly.  On RSTS you'd either need a driver (which is a 
pain) or do it through a sequence of "peek" and "poke" operations (not too bad).

Yes, that seems like a notion that could be interesting.  It would be good to 
do an existence proof, on some not too difficult machine.  Perhaps a PDP11 or 
PDP8, with the "direct to the device" approach.


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