Your approach is correct, I have regularly used it over the past weeks to bring up VMS 1.0.

I also saw these CRC errors on restore sometimes. There are two ways around this:

1. Mount the 3.0 tape on a generic (newer) VAX/VMS system, use
   $MOUNT/OVER=ID and copy the LIBRARY and OPTIONAL savesets to a
   (RP06-sized) disk in the [0,0] directory. In a later step, $ mount
   /foreign this disk, and point the installer to this disk as the source.
2. On your 3.0 system just booted with just the REQUIRED saveset, use a
   TS11 and not a TE16 tape unit in the simh config. Somehow this
   worked. Also, when you use a TE16, use an explicit $MOU/FOR
   /DEN=800. I forget in which version, but this also worked sometimes.



Peter Allan schreef op 25-10-2017 om 13:30:
Encouraged by all of the posting about running VMS 1.5 on an emulated VAX 780 with simh, I have tried to do the same. However, I am having a problem.

I don't have an existing VMS 3.x system running (4.6 is my earliest), so I tried to do a VMS 3.0 installation using the tape from uni-stuttgart which I had downloaded some time ago.

I booted a VMS 4.6 system on an emulated 780 and did an image restore using BACKUP of the REQUIRED saveset on the VMS 3.0 installation tape to an RP06. So far, so good. Then I booted the newly created RP06 disk, which continued the installation process by attempting to restore the LIBRARY saveset on the VMS 3.0 tape. However, this crashed with too many CRC errors.

This is where I am stuck. I could download the tape from uni-stuttgart again, but is there any reason to expect a better result by doing this? Can someone who has got this to work advise me what to try next please. I have downloaded the files that Christian posted, but while that has standalone backup on a disk image, I need DSC to read the VMS 1.5 tape (don't I?) which is the only reason that I was trying to get VMS 3.0 working in the first place.


Peter Allan

On 20 October 2017 at 09:43, Wilm Boerhout < <>> wrote:

    Matt Burke schreef op 17-10-2017 om 23:17:

        You may also want to try VAX/VMS 1.0 (or as close as you can
        get to it):


        This is not taken from an original tape. It's something I
        from a disk containing early VAX/VMS source and binaries. The
        indicate that this is earlier than VAX/VMS 1.5.
        Hopefully someone can find an original at some point.

        Simh mailing list <>


    I now have VMS 1.0 up and running on simh VAX780. Does anyone know
    whereto find the Fortran installation tape for this system?

    BTW, I also use a fine VT52 emulator I found on github.


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