On 28-Jan-18 13:45, Tim Stark wrote:
> Folks,
> There is BLISS source codes for TOPS-20 in pdp-10.trailing-edge.com.
> There is a free copy of BLISS compilers for VAX and Alpha in Freeware CD 
> dist. 
> There is a online version of  The Design of an Optimizing Compiler on CMU 
> website.
> I have a question for you.  Does anyone know any documents to learn how to 
> write BLISS codes?
There is an internal course called BLISS Primer.  It may be on-line; if
not, when I get around to sending more stuff to CHM, I'm sure it will be.

In the TOPS-10 & -20 software notebooks, there are the BLISS-36 Language
Guide, Installation manual, User Guide

TOPS-10 also has the XPORT manual.  XPORT is a library for writing
portable code; including user-mode IO.  Don't know why it's not in the
TOPS-20 set (or maybe I missed it.)

The language guide is pretty readable, if you know another programming

The paper that I referenced earlier gives some context and history.

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