Not to toot my own horn, but I documented my VMS-on-SIMH setup in and the follow-up clustering steps in ... some of the info may be outdated (from
a SIMH point of view at least - I'm pretty sure VAX VMS hasn't changed
much) but it could still be of some use, I suppose. 


On 2018-02-16 02:50, Tim Stark wrote:

> Folks, 
> Does anyone have good VMScluster installation guide for SIMH VAX emulator? 
> I had seen that some time ago but today I tried to search through google but 
> found no sources so far. 
> I successfully installed full package of OpenVMS on my Pi clone (Tinker) with 
> many layered products. 
> I am still working on Multinet configuration for DHCP client. 
> I read some Multinet installation guide and found it elsewhere.  I had to 
> enable DHCLIENT flag on SE0 interface to resolve the problem with DHCLIENT 
> process. 
> I tried to clear default TCP/IP settings with SE0 interface (modify se0) on 
> CONFIG.INTERFACE to allow DHCLIENT working for automated TCP/IP setting 
> properly but… 
> It failed and complaint about gateway address. I now need to clear gateway 
> address. 
> Thanks, 
> Tim 
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