> On Jun 10, 2019, at 12:40 AM, Tom <madtom1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 06/06/2019 21:52, Zane Healy wrote:
>> I have a SIMH/VAX install that was on a Raspberry Pi2 until we had a power 
>> outage, now the RPi won’t recognize the SD card.  So I’m trying to migrate 
>> it to a VM (Ubuntu 16.04LTS).  It doesn’t seem to find the network.  I’m 
>> able to SSH to the host VM, so I know it’s on the network.  I’ve tried both 
>> the SIMH available for Ubuntu (v3.8), and current.  Of course this is the 
>> host with the Quorum disk for my Cluster.
> If you power down a Pi without shutting down  the operating system there is a 
> very good chance the SD card is corrupted. I'd restore a working backup if 
> you can, or reinstall the SD from scratch as you never know quite what is 
> corrupted.
> Tom

That’s pretty much what I suspected.  In this case though, it was preferable to 
migrate to a VM running on my VMware cluster.  The RPi2 will likely be 
repurposed for SIMH or something else.  It looks like both my RPi3’s survived 
the experience (DPS-8 and KLH10), and I want to get them moved into one of my 
racks (right now they’re in a rather precarious place on the floor).  Oddly 
enough, I’ve been considering a UPS for the Raspberry Pi’s.


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