VAX PSI was for X25, wasn't it?

On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 07:21:45 -0700
Mark Pizzolato <> wrote:

> Let's say you had the PAK(s).
> You could then install the software.  Then what?
> That software connected through some hardware to something outside.
> What hardware was this and what did it connect to?  I'm pretty sure
> that the hardware in question isn't simulated primarily due to the
> fact that anything it could connect to doesn't exist today....
> A simulated VAX Cluster can easily be constructed and it can talk to
> the outside world via TCP/IP via UCX or MultiNet.
> On Mar 19, 2020 7:11 AM, Peter Allan <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Back in the day (mid to late 1980s), I was the system manager of a
> VAXcluster. I have been recreating the experience using simh, which I
> find to be excellent. My system manager days finished with VMS 5.5-2,
> although I also have emulated systems running both earlier and later
> versions of VMS.
> One of my projects is to build a virtual version of the cluster that
> I used to manage. I have PAKs though the hobbyist programme for most
> of the software that we used, but these do not include PAKs for VAX
> P.S.I. nor P.S.I.-Access. We had software that used these products to
> access the outside world.
> I do have the PSI/PSI-Access software on CDs, just not the PAKs.
> I have a vague memory of seeing a message somewhere saying that it
> was possible to get PAKs for these products. Does anyone know how to
> do this?
> Cheers
> Peter Allan

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